NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming)

What is NLP?

In short, NLP is how to use the language of the mind to consistently achieve our specific and desired outcomes. Technically it's the nervous system (the mind), through which our experience is processed via the five senses:








Language and other non-verbal communication systems through which our neural representations are coded, ordered and given meaning. Includes:

- Pictures

- Sounds

- Feelings

- Tastes

- Smells

- Words (Self Talk)


The ability to discover and utilize the programs that we run (our communication to ourselves and others) in our neurological systems to achieve our specific and desired outcomes.


As a Certified Master Practitioner and Coach, I use the techniques practiced in this body of work with the client's unconscious mind to remove old, non-resourceful beliefs and decisions, and install new resourceful beliefs. These allow clients to have complete confidence to live true to what their divine purpose is here on earth without fear or self-doubt.

How It Works

As a Certified Master Practitioner and Coach, I use the techniques practiced in this body of work with the client's unconscious mind to remove old, non-resourceful beliefs and decisions, and install new resourceful beliefs. These allow clients to have complete confidence to live true to what their divine purpose is here on earth without fear or self-doubt.


This filter involves ignoring or omitting some aspects of reality that are irrelevant, unimportant, or unpleasant to us. For example, we might delete the background noise when we are listening to music, or the details of a traumatic event that we want to forget.


This filter involves changing or modifying some aspects of reality to fit our expectations, beliefs, or desires. For example, we might distort the meaning of someone's words or actions to suit our own interpretation, or the shape of our body image to match our ideal self.


This filter involves applying some aspects of reality to other situations or contexts that are similar or related. For example, we might generalize from a single experience to form a rule or a stereotype, or from a specific skill to a broader ability.

Our unconscious mind serves as a powerful filter, influencing how we make sense of the world and act in response. While these filters are essential for quick and efficient decision-making, they also introduce the potential for errors, biases, and misunderstandings. It's fascinating to consider that two individuals can undergo the exact same event yet perceive it entirely differently due to the filtration process of their unconscious minds. In essence, we don't directly experience reality; instead, our interpretation is shaped by how our unconscious mind has filtered and interpreted past situations.


Practical Example

Consider a universal example: standing at the edge of a cliff. The immediate discomfort and thoughts urging you to step back showcase the unconscious mind's primary role in prioritizing safety. However, this same protective mechanism can work against us. During our formative years when critical thinking is underdeveloped, we pretty much belief and accept most things as reality. Santa Clause anyone??

For instance, as a child, you are asked to present something in front of a class or group of people. A kid in the corner is giggling. Your unconscious mind starts producing those uncomfortable feelings of embarrassment to get you to leave that situation. And to protect you and make sure you avoid getting into a similar situation like that again in the future, it creates a belief about YOU, a limiting, negative belief about your value, your character, etc. "I am not a good public speaker." Now next time you are in a similar situation, just like the cliff example, even the mere thought of getting up in front of people again produces those uncomfortable feelings and the thought comes up, "Oh, I'm not a good Public Speaker." Time after time after time, these events stack until we are 100% convinced that it's true! But the truth was the kid was giggling at the kid next to him, not you!

So, why I do what I do. There are a few core beliefs tied with some very strong emotions that are almost always at the root of all limiting beliefs, self-doubt, fear, anxiety, etc. I work with the unconscious mind to transform these root-level beliefs back to the truth, unleashing confidence, dismantling fear, and breaking free from limiting beliefs in just a few days.


Imagine the liberation of operating without the weight of these negative thoughts holding you back!


More Benefits (For the Extra Inquisitive 😉)

Some additional benefits of NLP are:

- It can improve your communication and influence skills, by tuning into the preferred sensory system of yourself and others.

- It can enhance your confidence, self-awareness, and motivation, by reframing negative self-talk and creating positive affirmations.

- It can reduce anxiety and depression, by using unique techniques eliminate fears and traumas.

- It can increase your creativity and productivity, by using techniques to organize and generate ideas.

- It can increase your ability to see opportunities that were previously overlooked.

- It can absolutely help you achieve the results you have so desperately been seeking.

Finally Get Unstuck

Turns out, it's a choice. If you're ready, I'm ready.

(786) 627-3627

5485 Bethelview Rd, Suite 360-202

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